Monday, November 26, 2007

RDB 12: Ramayana 3 and As You Like It

The Catepillar asks Alice "Who are YOU?"

“Don’t you want to know who you are?” (1013).

This question seems to be the driving question behind all of life’s mysteries. Everyone is constantly seeking where his or her true identity lies and I do not believe that anyone ever really finds the answer. We are continuously growing and finding new things out about ourselves to the point where life almost becomes an infinite cycle of curiosity, discovery, and renewal. Much like a hermit crab, when we finally grow into our shell and begin to get too big for it, we move on in pursuit of something more. Essentially, each new period of our lives brings about a new self, yearning to live and grow. College has become yet another exploratory era of my life. While I was pretty sure of all of my opinions when I graduated from high school, encountering new people and new scenarios has broadened my mind and allowed me to consider things from different viewpoints. Although I continue to cling to my virtues and everything I have learned in the past, I have begun to add experience to these ideas and form a new respect for others views while really learning how to define my own. Each new day and each new encounter sheds new light onto the question of who I am supposed to become, and I believe I will continue to evolve into that person until the day that I die. While “One man in his time plays many parts”, a unique and individual self lies rooted deep within every person that guides us through all of these other experiences and molds us into who we truly are (1089). This cycle of constant restoration through understanding “has gone on without pause for millenniums”, and offers us hope in its continuity (1019). At the end of the day, no one every truly knows who they are, because life is the journey to uncover their own distinctive truth. When the time comes to find out my exact identity I “will not see; (I) will be” me (1019).

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