Monday, October 29, 2007

The Ramayana Ballet

The Ramayana Ballet told the epic tale of a love torn apart by evil and jealousy and reunited through the gallant effort of the hero and his fellow supporters. Performed by the Shakti Dance Company, the presentation featured incredibly intricate dancing accompanied by ornate and elaborate costumes. The cast, including several very recognized dancers, portrayed the epic with grace and ease. Although the lyrics to all of the songs were in another language, I was able to interpret their meanings through the pantomime of the dancers. Each of their movements had a purpose and was significant to the progression of the story. Several spectacular numbers such as that of the bird and the monkey truly caught my eye and drew me even further into the storyline. It was enthralling to hear the chanting of the spiritual lyrics and to watch them accompanied by such divine dancing. The dancers moved with such rhythm and enthusiasm that I was inspired by their message. Even tough I am a horrible dancer, I was almost drawn out of my seat to dance along beside them. Their belief in and devotion to their god Ram shined through their performance and provided me with a glimpse at the common link between all religions that I had never seen before.

It was interesting for me to see the similarities between the life of Ram and that of Jesus.
In the Hindu faith, Ram is an incarnation of the god Vishnu, who is part of the Hindu Trinity. The main purpose of this incarnation is to demonstrate the righteous path for the life on earth. In the Christian faith, Jesus is a manifestation of God and part of the Holy Trinity. Jesus was sent to Earth to live amongst humans by his Father to demonstrate a righteous life and pay for our sins. Just as Ram was exiled to the woods by his father, Jesus spent forty days in the Wilderness praying to his Father. There, He was tempted by and the Devil similar to Shurpanakha tempting Ram. As Ram went on a quest to save his beloved Sita, Jesus was on a mission to save all of humanity from our sins. The monkeys, who helped Ram along on his voyage, could be compared to Jesus’ disciples who helped Him spread the word of God. While the monkeys built a bridge across the ocean so Ram could defeat Ravana, the Disciples paved the way for Jesus to conquer the Devil and make believers of the human race. After fourteen years, Ram returns home and is crowned king amongst much celebration. Following His Crucifixion and Resurrection, Jesus returned to the Kingdom of Heaven to be crowned and rule at the right hand of His Father. All of these common relationships really made me contemplate the concept of all religions being linked together for a reason. Although not all of these things occurred under the same circumstances, it really excited me to consider the possibility of all humans being more united and I instantly felt connected to everyone around me.

The Ramayana Ballet was a remarkable production full of joy, sorrow, triumph, and passion. Although I truly enjoyed the performance, I discovered so much more than a story by attending this program. I was not only inspired by the dancers performing with such delight and bliss, but also was aroused by the concept of all religion being connected in a way greater then we know. This traditional story of love also encouraged me that love will prevail through all things. With these to lessons in mind, I approach the future with a new understanding of this life and cannot wait until I unearth more unexpected insights into what this world has in store for me.

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